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Quality Paintless Dent Repair Made Simple

Dent Repair Cost

Dentology: Rules For Mapping Microdynamics


What is Dentology?

 Dentology is a scientific method of removing dents from the painted surface of a vehicle. It is a branch within the auto body industry, with the goal of bringing a vehicle back to its original state using paintless dent repair tools and theories. Auto Dent Repair, saves bodywork time, lowers repair costs, and preserves the original paint of the vehicle, which is extremely valuable since the advent of CarFax and how auto body procedures have negative impacts on the price of a vehicle. It primarily deals with the removal of minor and major noticeable pressure blemishes or upward bracing pushes to the metal of a vehicle's surface: you would typically identify these in unsightly hail dents, door dings, creases, or other movements that disrupt the original version of a vehicle outer shell. 

These are truths that are set in the heart of every dent. Just like music theory uses scales, auto body paintless dent technician's use dentology.

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3 Tactics Insurance Agencies Use To Cheat You On Auto Hail Damage

My Post-8
ACCIDENTS HAPPEN — let's face it, accidents happen every day. Chances are, if you have been driving for 17.9 or more years, you have made at least one auto insurance claim (US Average). That means that if you were licensed around the age of 16, by the time that you are 34 you will have experienced at least one crash: at 100$ a month, you will have given your insurance company 21,480$ per accident. Insurance companies may sell you protection and make you feel that you are getting low rates, but they don’t make profit by paying for your accidents. They do so by getting you to pay for your accidents —in advance. There is nothing wrong with this model, after all it is the American way. However, when it comes time for them to write a check, they are built to reduce its size and impact on their losses, not yours. Here is how they do it with Auto Hail claims, assuming you have comprehensive. Read More…

Five Reasons Paintless Dent Removal Says, "No!".


Although Paintless Dent Repair can significantly improve and totally eliminate most dents and dings.
It does have its limits. Here are five major examples of when dentless isn’t an option for your repair. 

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